WorkWise Tipperary

BuzzQuarter – Tipperary’s new space for digital creative entrepreneurs

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 06/15/2023 - 13:52

A vision of Tipperary County Council is to establish a digital media corridor between Thurles & Clonmel in order to contribute to the economic life of the county and to benefit in a practical and positive way from the graduates in the gaming, multimedia and animation areas who are emerging from Limerick Institute of Technology in both towns.

To deliver on this vision, BuzzQuarter was established. BuzzQuarter is the first step in a series of initiatives that will be undertaken to stimulate and support digital entrepreneurs, early stage companies and existing creatives looking for a second centre location. The studio will be the nucleus for a cluster of expertise, knowledge, talent and resources, identifying County Tipperary as a centre of excellence in the digital media space.

BuzzQuarter will offer digital space for fledgling micro-enterprises and established organisations within the gaming, digital media, creative media and animation sectors.

The state-of-the-art facilities have been modelled on similar world-class digital centres both in Ireland and abroad, with the result that start-ups and companies who choose to locate in BuzzQuarter can enjoy services such as deskspace, specialist hardware and software, meeting spaces, skills development, public relations opportunities, industry links, and high-speed broadband within a unique co-working environment.

Speaking at the launch of BuzzQuarter Joe MacGrath, Chief Executive of Tipperary County Council said, “today is the culmination of much work which has gone into research in Ireland and the UK, stakeholder engagement with industry and academia, sourcing the appropriate equipment and software, developing a brand and identity.  BuzzQuarter is not merely a physical space with high-quality technology but also provides services, skills, connectivity, technical backup, access to finance and supports. By pooling resources and expertise from across our organisations, we can deliver a suite of supports to start-up and growing digital creative enterprises unrivalled by anything currently on offer in Ireland. All of us are committed to making BuzzQuarter an exciting and successful space to grow global digital enterprises and really believe that it has great potential.”